F1 Analytics

Australia 2023

This was an exciting head-to-head competition between last season teammates: Hamilton and Bottas.

However, there’s no game. Mercedes and Hamilton are showing superior performances in quite all the
sections and rankings (top speed, average speed, reduced time on brakes)
– First of all Mercedes is granting a higher speed to HAM throu the entire track, both on low speed
turn and full throttle area. This is probably due to a more powerful powerunit and more effective
and balanced car to transfer it on the ground.
– HAM is showing a more aggressive style of guide, deeper brake at turn entrance and early stage
acceleration during the turns, gaining speed quicker. On the other side BOT needs to be more
gentle on the brake dosing the action across the turn, maybe due to a less stable car during turns.
– On high speed turns HAM is being faster, having an higher speed and being able to give power at
earlier stage in the following throttle area.
– The only point we see BOT recovering the gap is at turn 3 and connection to turn 4. In this section
BOT is keeping an higher average speed and also being able to give gas during the turn, this can be
a positive side of less speed at turn approach, that grants a better line. Nevertheless at the turn 4
all is stepped back as BOT needs to brake deeper losing more speed compared to HAM
– At the end of the Lap we can say no surprise, HAM and Mercedes are ruling and showing off all the
difference among a top team and the others.

Here we go again with a strong difference in performance between a top team and top driver and
the others. If HAM was showing a superior performance in quite all sections, VER is totally
defeating BOT.
– Since the lap start we see higher speed for VER, that is confirmed either during every turns and full
throttle sections.
– At every turn VER starts earlier to throttle during the turn, that shows a better stability and control
of the RB. This characteristics of the RB is giving an incredible advantage to VET on turn 6 and 9,
where you can see how faster VER is, and he can keep the same speed also on turn 10.
– In no section BOT is able to close/reduce the gap, even on turn 3, where we noticed an advantage
for BOT on HAM. The same is not compared to VER, and they follow a very similar trajectory, even
if the speed at turn approach was higher for VER. Once more we can appreciate the amazing
balance of RB making turns and transferring power on the track.
– Even the use of DRS is different after turn 10, that can be compatible with the points above. Also
this point gives an additional advantage on speed to VER, absolutely not required due to the overall
superiority of his car.

These data are more interesting as they show the difference between top teams and 1 st and 3 rd
driver on the grid: Verstappen and Hamilton
– Probably HAM is doing his actual best but, that’s far enough to lead him to seriously compete
against VER on this GP. HAM needs to be more aggressive with late braking, mainly in the first
quarter of the track, that could create some issues on wheels degrade.
– top and average speed are similar, HAM is showing a more linear acceleration line across the full
throttle area, that gives him a chance to limit the gap from VER
– Once more we can appreciate the great balancing of RB on turns, even compared to HAM, that is
creating the gap either on low speed turns and high speed turns. On high speed turns we can see
the more relevant speed reduction at entrance required to HAM to complete the turn and on the

opposite side the ability of VER and RB to close the turn keeping an higher speed. This is giving VER
a consistent advantage at the end of the lap
– An interesting point is turn 3. We already analyzed both driver compared to BOT, but now let’s see
a direct head-to-head. Even if speed traces looks similar we can see a great gap created in this turn
in advantage of VER. This is directly related to the ability of Redbull to keep an inner line reducing
the path across the turn, while keeping a very nice speed. On his side HAM has to drive his
Mercedes more on outer, i.e. longer, line to keep a similar speed. Once more this shows the
efficiency of Redbull to generate downforce, so increasing grip on wheels either as lateral force
during turns or traction at turn exit.

*Image by Freepik